退休接近? 先做这5件事.



旅行? 练习你最喜欢的爱好? 关心所爱的人?

Whatever you envision, creating a plan of action can feel exhausting.

There are, however, a few simple, yet commonly overlooked steps you can take 今天 to help you feel more 安慰able throughout your planning process. 


Romantic ideas of retirement don’t become a reality all by themselves. They’re also not usually sustainable without a solid foundation and a well-thought-out plan. 其中一部分需要下面的任务, 哪一种容易掉队, 尤其是当你不确定如何处理它们的时候.

1. 预算 & 数字运算

How much will it cost to live every year you’re retired? What does your monthly budget in retirement look like?

Many of us know how much we need to save, so we can retire. Fewer of us have done the math to work out how much money we 真的 我们退休后每月或每年都需要.

专家提示: Consider taxes and all income streams you’ll have in retirement. Taxes alone could be a reason to rethink part of your retirement plans, 比如你退休后想住在哪里.

2. 把通货膨胀考虑到你的计划中

How much will your retirement budget—and your purchasing power—change in 5 to 10 years?

Inflation can be the elephant in the room of retirement talks, and ignoring it can be a disaster for your future budget.

专家提示: Estimate conservatively and reference the latest inflation rates. 另外,不要把这些数字看作绝对的. View them as “working” references that you may need to revisit in the future as inflation rates change.1

3. 为长寿、保健做计划 & 长期护理

Ideal retirement plans now may not work for you in the future. It’s important to consider that your your post-work life could last at least three decades.2

That means planning not just for your jet-setting retirement years but also for your later-in-life needs too.2

专家提示: 你不会被自己的退休计划所束缚. 如果它不起作用或者你的需求发生了变化, your plan and the financial strategies that back it up can shift too.

4. 解决潜在的无聊

Retiring can open up more time than you may be ready for, especially if your loved ones are busy with work or school. 对于退休人员来说,无聊可能成为一个真正的问题, as a lack of mental and emotional stimulation can negatively affect our health and quality of life.3 

专家提示: Think about creating new retirement habits and routines that are based on your passions and values. 建立一个富有成效的时间表需要时间, 但是一旦完成, 能提供一致的结构, 安慰, 目的, 和满意度.3,4

5. 考虑可能的替代方案

退休并不意味着你再也不工作了. These days, more people are carving out their own transitions into retired life. Entrepreneurship or scaled-down, part-time work schedules are popular options.

专家提示: You don’t have to have to work in the industry you want to retire from, and you don’t need a high-powered job to make your professional life meaningful. Some may even choose to go back to school and be “professional students,” earning additional degrees instead of a part-time income.


You never have to plan for retirement alone—a fresh perspective, 在一些专业指导下, could give you a better way to live your life––your way. 


  1. http://www.federalreserve.gov/monetarypolicy/2023-03-mpr-summary.htm
  2. http://www.aarp.org/retirement/planning-for-retirement/info-2021/pre-early-retirement-reality-check.html
  3. http://academic.oup.com/innovateage/article/7/8/igad109/7281873

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